Birdy Fun in the Cold

It’s been fairly cold in the south of the UK where I live, or at least cold for this part of the country. This has allowed me to get in lots of practice with my new lens over the last week or so even though the light on some occasions has been low and not very good to shoot photographs in.

This was taken yesterday afternoon.


The light was fading and I was trying to get a shot of 6 great tits moving from tree-to-tree, I turned round and this struck me as a typical winter shot when the sun comes through the empty branches of the tree. 🙂

Speaking about the afore-mentioned great tit this is one I managed to capture just before it fled this tree.


They were foraging through the trees and bushes for that little bit of extra food to get them through the day. 🙂

Here’s a couple of pictures from my garden; this starling looking resplendent showing off his plumage on a bit of a dreary afternoon.


I think starlings are an underrated bird, if you look at them closely you can see how beautiful they are (that’s just my opinion though). 🙂

These House sparrows are ravenous at the moment, along with all the other birds that come to the garden.


My feeders need a clean and that’s only just after a week when I cleaned them last! It’s really important if you have many species of birds coming to your garden that you keep your feeders/tables and bird baths clean as this limits the chances of diseases from spreading.

Hopefully with all the food that I put out for our birds they are all getting enough to eat in this cold snap that we’re having. 🙂

What’s going on at this time of year in your garden any new or interesting birds arrived through the winter?

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